another attempt at discrediting me through outright lies. i have never made this statement or implication about "wall street...going to war with itself" as you have so many times accused me of.
I was using "you fools" in the collective plural sense. Back in October and November several apostates were apparently stunned by the turn of events and tried to spin it that I had said that Wall Street was going to war with itself. You are apparently in agreement with that sort of nonsense.
thats just nonsense you toss around that i dont think any of us actually said.....its your little invention to make everyone else sound preposterous. the fact of the matter is, no one knew exactly what you meant by the "financial system" being in "a state of war"
Okay then, You admit that you dont know. So I am telling you what I meant. Deal with it. LOL
like i said though, either way it wont matter a year from now when your financial meltdown scenarios will only look that much more ridiculous.
Apparently you havent been keeping up with current events pal.
what you originally meant by the financial system being in a state of war, we may never know.....nor will we ever care, lol.
Evidently you do care though. You have spent untold hours dealing with my little wager.
the guy has been behind numerous attacks (perhaps youve been sleeping under a rock), and his whole organization is constantly being watched.......identifying and tracing the hijackers back to bin laden isnt exactly a lengthy process.
I know. They left their ID in cars parked at the airport. I am not saying Bin Laden isnt a terrorist. I just dont believe he runs the outfit. The financial oligarchs do. Most terrorist groups have headquarters in London, which various world leaders have protested to the UN about. Bin Laden is just a patsy. Thats how the Devils world operates.
what i love is how larouche still contends that bin laden is an invention that had nothing to do with the attacks, and thats even after bin laden himself took credit for the attacks, on video
You are lying. LaRouche didnt say Bin Laden didnt have anything to do with 9-11.
oh yes, im sure the anglo-american establishment staged the video, with actors reading lines....no better yet, bin laden himself acting out the part, and then going back to work in his f.b.i. office, no one the wiser. That's simply incredible.
Like I said. You are the sort that believes everything they see on TV. LOL
it really doesnt make a lick of difference what reason larouche gave after
1997 came and went, proving his ridiculous prediction to be rubbish. the fact is, he put his name on the line, and flat out said that 1997 would not come and go without financial meltdown...
It wasnt ridiculous. The fiancial system has never really recovered from the so-called Asian Crisis. It has just staggered from one crisis to the next, and now stands poised for the Big One.
why do you insist on trying to decieve the average reader out there every chance you get? is it just because you know most people will merely skim over your comments, without actually researching them? it is not "public knowledge" by any means that the government has "cooked their books".
No its not. Just like it wasnt public knowledge that Eron and World Com and the rest were doing it. But now it is. I have decieved no one. I merely am telling you the way it is.
if you are referring to the benchmark revision again, let me reiterate that revisions in gdp and economic data have been going on long before you and larouche ever started screaming about book cooking.
So you admit that the fakery has been going on a long time?
and many of these revisions have been downward revisions. (why was there no great outcry of "cover up" when the gdp was revised downward in 1992?) it has nothing to do with uncovering government book cooking as you imagine.
Sure it does. The numbers are revised down so that present numbers appear to have a percentage growth over prior numbers. Then down the road the present numbers will be revised down to make the future numbers look good. Thats how that game works.
he said this before y2k? what was the date on this article, where he made this statement about y2k fraud? im just wondering why you didnt jump on his bandwagon, if indeed he had it figured out way before it ever happened.
I dont know if any of that is on his web site. There is a lot of stuff in the EIR magazine thats not on the web site.
/ You Know